
What a Day! #HungerWalk2022

It was so great to see people back together for HungerWalk 2022 both in Tucson and in Green Valley on September 10th.

More than 1,000 people signed up to walk!

The morning brought a chance to gather, enjoy a cup of coffee or other breakfast treat, and take part in several fun activities for kids and grownups. In Tucson, the one mile walk went straight through the Community Food Bank warehouse, with more refreshments, music and contests. Walkers also stopped and enjoyed Nuestra Tierra Garden, where free seeds and gardening advice were offered. In Green Valley, hundreds of people walked and enjoyed the sights at beautiful Historic Canoa Ranch.

We were happy to welcome our new CEO, Malea Chavez, who will officially join the Community Food Bank on October 24th.

We raised $151,000! And best of all, we gathered together to know now is the time to fight hunger and the poverty that often comes with it in our community.

Did you miss it? Check out the pictures from Tucson and Green Valley on our Facebook page.